Saturday, January 4, 2014

"Random" Post - Building Relationships

It’s amazing what spending time with people who don’t point out faults, or dwell on them, can do for a person. This past weekend, I spent time with people that I had only met once or twice in my life and, by the end of the week, you would have thought we had always known each other. I was reminded of who I am, of what I want to accomplish in life, how I need to live life, and how to live life to the fullest. I was reminded that I don’t have to be afraid of what others think of me, I can just be myself, and the right people will love me.

It’s amazing what can come of a relationship built through the love of Christ. There are not words to describe what it feels like to talk with someone who invites you to laugh with them, not just listen to them laughing at you. To stop what you are doing to go have worship and prayer time before heading into a new year. To be able to speak truthfully, and not be making fun of people, to be able to have fun, and also be serious. I can not describe the kind of relationships that I built this weekend, I can only tell you that as you spend time with God, and Godly people, you will build relationships that can be broken by nothing.

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