Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Random" - What Are Your Motives for Posting Social Media?

Found an interesting article that really made me think about my social media motives.

Before you post something on Twitter, Facebook, Flicker, Instagram, Youtube, or any of the other thousands of sites out there, think about what you are expecting to gain. Are you trying to share a simple message, make someone's day? Or are you looking for acceptance? I have some friends who post/share things on Facebook about 20 times everyday, and I know that all they are looking for is something to fill a void, they want to feel accepted in the online world, because they don't feel accepted in the real world. I personally don't post much, and I'm ok with that. I'm ok with not having a bunch of notifications every time I get on Facebook, but do I like it when they are there, I do enjoy them. But if all you seek to accomplish is approval, look to the people around you, who will spend time with you, and listen to what you have to say?

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