Thursday, January 16, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 5

Ananias and his wife would not give wholly to God. We still do this today, whether we are scared of God, or do not trust Him.
Most of us have some part of our lives that we try to keep from God. But this ends up hurting us, for we are not putting our full trust in the LORD, out God, and King. Simply stated, if we fall to the enemy's will, we will surely die. As was the case for Ananias and his wife.

So great were the works of God through these men that people crowded the streets with the hope that Peter's shadow would fall crossed them.
We need to walk with such an expectance of God, that we are set apart from everyone around us. People should be able to walk by us and feel the presence of God just pouring out of our lives. This happens when we abandon ourselves completely to God, holding nothing back.

The Apostles were taken prisoners, in an act of jealousy, because of God's good works through them. However, an angel of the LORD came to the apostles, and released them of the shackles, telling them to keep teaching at the temple in Jesus' name. And so they did. When again they were taken to the high priest, he was determined to put the men to death. But it would not be so for a Pharisee, Gamaliel, spoke that Peter and the other disciples may live. For he said, "if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is of God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourself fighting against God."
I could speak at lengths about this, but I will keep it brief. nothing you seek to do yourself will work, it will fall apart, but if you are dependent on God, and His plan for your life, you will have success beyond imagination. It all comes back to trusting God, and giving Him your all.

This also relates to being the Bride of Christ, when you marry someone, you are giving them your entire life, trusting them to provide for you and keep you safe. How much more shall we put our trust in He who formed us in the womb?

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