Friday, January 31, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 9

Saul is transformed into Paul. Saul was Satan’s greatest advocate at the time. Saul of Tarsus was a schooled Jew, and believed that God had called him to destroy the Christians however, it was quite the opposite. Saul, of all people God had to chose from, not one of us would have said it would be Saul. But his transformation is one of the greatest testaments to the love of our Father. If God was able to turn the prosecutor Saul into the apostle Paul, how much more can He turn the drug addict, or the abuser, next door to a disciple?

It all begins with an act of Love. While Jesus was here, he spent his time with the sinners, and the thieves showing them love and acceptance. The word ‘christian’ means ‘little Christ’ which means that we act as Jesus did. Brothers and Sisters, humble yourself, and love on the unloveable.

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