Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 6

Peter realized how small, yet significant, the food problem was. So he assigned seven men to the distribution of food. That would become their role in the mission, Peter would go out to spread the gospel, and Stephen would spread it with the food. So often we get caught up in going out, and spreading the word to people in other countries, and nationalities, that we forget to minister to those around us. The Bible gives us a perfect example of this, and shows us that we can affect those around us through simple tasks, like serving food.

Stephen became hated by members in the Synagogue of the Freedmen. They tried and tried to dismantle him, but he was well educated, and nothing they said against him went without rebuke. Then the devil, in his evil ways, convinced men to witness falsely against Stephen at the Sanhedrin. This world is always looking for ways to dismantle us, and force us to bow to it. We need not be afraid of what it may do to us, all we have to do is trust God and, as you will see, so much good can come out of something horrible.

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