Monday, March 17, 2014

Do Something - Trust in The LORD

It can be very difficult sometimes to trust that God is with us, and that He is going to help us through our situation. Recently I lost a friend, not to death but to mere circumstance, and by no fault of my own. Even though I can't help but blame myself and feel like I have let them down. While part of me has been living in a world of uncertainty other bits have followed the example. Instead of only being uncertain of my training time-frame, I am now uncertain in my relationships as well. Uncertain how to help the ones I love and trust dearly. As difficult as this has been for me, it has been more difficult to just give it up to God. There has been a pressure on my of late that I have been unable to give into for fear that I will lose control of the situation. But as I give into it, and give it up to God, I realize that I never had control of the situation in the first place. Nothing in my power could have, or will, changed anything. God is the only one who I can trust to help me through this, and I am trusting Him to do just that.

God can handle your inability to handle what is going on.

Romans 8:28 
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Psalms 27:1
The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?

My pastor has preached much on this very subject lately, but when this all happened, I felt completely lost. So my advice to you is; Don't just listen to what others have to say, listen to them and meditate on it, spend time with God over it. Being a Christian is not about being religious and showing up to church, or reading your Bible. It's about being with God, and having a relationship with Him.

Do Something: After you read this, listen to this song and meditate on what God has promised you. Just be with Him, have a relationship with Him.

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