Monday, June 2, 2014

Notes Sunday, June 1st

2 Timothy 3:16-17 
  • The more you know the Bible, the more you know God. The better you know God. Trying to live without the Bible is like trying to paint with a screwdriver. 
Romans 10:17 
  • Since the Bible is the word of Christ, who is God, then it is through the Bible that we know God. If we know God we can listen to Him, and know what He has promised us in life. 
  • If you know the promises of God, you can stand on them. 
  • If you don't know God you will make assumptions and have no promises to stand on.
Romans 7:24-29
  • When God gives us primises we can stand on them like the wise mans house on the rock.
  • Everything changes, but God's will will never change. It abides forever.
Psalms 18:2
  • Gods word is our stronghold, our anchor. 
  • God is likened to a rock at least 59 times in the Bible. 
If your life is dependant on never having trouble, you will be miserable.
The world needs people who can weather through the storm. 
People who god without God fall apart in every storm.
Your life has to be founded on the Word, not listening to your pastor. Yes, it is good to listen and learn from others, but your faith has to be your own, not someone elses.
Your faith has to be in Christ. The word Christian means Little Christ so as we go through our lives we are to be Christ to those around us. The way we learn who Christ was, is by reading the Bible. 
Reading the Bible is also one way that God talks to us. Just give Him a chance.

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