The Prodigal Son (Read)
We have two ways we can relate to God. As a slave or as a child. God will always see us as His children, but it lies with us to decide if we accept that or not.
Galatians 4:4-9 (Read)
Romans 8:16-17 (Read)
God wants you to relate to Him as your father.
Submission as a slave is submission through fear, but submission as a child is submission through love.
A child's worth never goes down, but the value of a slave fluctuates, and is based on performance.
God doesn't come to you because you deserve it, He comes to you because He loves you.
"Your worth is found in the eyes of God, and the eyes of God alone"
Don't talk yourself out of the freedom God has for you.
He's not interested in what you can do for Him.
What we do for God is an overflow of sonship.
Where do you find your worth?
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