Tuesday, December 17, 2013

"Random" Post - Relationships

Ultimately, I believe that God's planning is perfect, and that He already has the perfect person for us, also that He will show us who they are at the right time. I believe that everything we do, every relationship that we have, makes us stronger. I believe that it is good to pursue people we love, and to make mistakes, and to learn from them. I also believe that it is good to wait. Yes, everyone at one time or another during grade school has crushes, and relationships that we find painful, and yes, I am included in everyone. My experiences with these kinds of relationships has been rough, and when my sixth grade crush went on and found the love of his life, it was hard, but in the end, I know that  he would not have been right for me, and I just want him to be happy. My plan now is to find my best friend, God will do the rest.

When pursuing a dating relationship with someone, ask yourself a few questions:

Can I hold a casual conversation with this person? If you can't hold a conversation together with someone, how do you expect to hold a relationship together with them?
Is this person my best friend?When you enter into a dating relationship, you are spending time with someone who is a candidate to be your spouse, do you really think you can be one with someone who is not your best friend. If you are a female and in a relationship with a male, but talk about your relationship problems with a different male, you should reconsider who you go on your dates with.
How do I act when I am around this person? Am I comfortable, or does being with that person make me feel awkward? If you do not feel comfortable or safe around your date, that's not a good thing, you should feel free to be yourself around your significant other.
Do I trust this person enough to give them my life? Trust, if you can not trust someone, don't date them.
What are their interests vs. mine? What do I see in my future? Does this person have a similar vision?If your vision for the future is not anything similar to that of your date's, you may not want to pursue that person as a spouse.
Am I ready to date?
Personally, I don't think that people should date until they are mentally, and emotionally ready to do so. Also, you need to evaluate your motives. What do I mean? If you are dating because everyone else does, or because you feel bad for someone, you need to stop. The only thing you are going to accomplish with either of those motives, is breaking someone's heart. If you feel left out, know that God has someone waiting for you, and make that knowledge your motivation to save yourself for them.  If you are only dating someone to make them feel accepted, you are only going to make them feel more rejected. Hang out with them, have coffee with them, be their friend, but do not form a dating relationship with someone if you are only trying to be kind to them. Maybe you will end up having an honest dating relationship with them one day but, to start out, just be kind.
It is also important to know who you are before you start dating. If you don't know who you are, how are you going to know who is right for you?

Some of these are questions you need to ask yourself before you agree to go on a date with someone, others, are ones that you should ask while on your first date.

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