Saturday, October 5, 2013

Something Small - Get Exercise

In our crazy lives it can be insanely hard to do simple, essential things, like exercise. I know what you're thinking; "You want me to exercise? What do you know about my life?" I don't mean go lift for three hours everyday, or take a ten mile run everyday, but a 10 minute walk or bike ride through the neighborhood, or at the park. Doing something daily that gets you outside, not only refreshes your body, but creates time for just you and your thoughts, just you and God.

I want to challenge you to take a walk or bike ride everyday, and when you get back, write down how you felt before you went, what you thought about while you were gone, and how you felt after. This is not something that you have to share with everyone, rather your own personal record of what God can do for you during a short outing, how much just spending that little bit of time can really re-shape your day, and help you see how something small can make a HUGE difference.

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