Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 18

Read Acts 18

Again we see the importance in knowledge of scripture, and having a relationship with God. It is possible to love God, and His people without these connections, but when push comes to shove, and people are asking you for knowledge, and you don't have it...? It will become more difficult for you to tell people that you believe the Bible, because you will not know what is written in it. Priscilla and Aquilla knew this, and they educated Apollos in the works of Jesus. We need to strive towards the same knowledge.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 17

Read Acts 17

Often we see that the Jews were jealous, and sought to destroy the disciples. As we preach God's word, we need to make everyone aware that God's love is for them too, so long as they accept it. I have heard it said many times that when someone offers you a gift, you must accept it in order for it to become yours. The gift of the Spirit is no different; God has offered it to everyone, but only few choose to accept His perfect and honorable gift.
As Paul saw the destruction and idolatry of the Athenian people, so I see the destruction and idolatry of the people in the world today. Instead of statues and shrines made of precious metals, I see posters and screen savers, and shirts, and pencils, and backpacks, and thousands of other things with the pictures and names of the celebrities who have become the focus of this world. Even in the Christian home! It sickens me how much we have let this world shape our lives! When something goes wrong in your life, and you go to your favorite actor/actress, singer, athlete, or performer, they will do NOTHING for you! But when something goes wrong and you go to God, He will free you of your troubles, and let you rest in His peace! When will we realize the corruption that this world has given us? When will we start doing something about it!? When will we start giving God His rightful praise? Why not now? Why not start with you?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 16

It is one thing to just listen to what others have to say, and going off of that. But it is another to take what they say and apply it to what God has been teaching you. Today I want you to learn how to hear from God, and to know what He is telling you, not what I am telling you. Take some time to pray before you read this, and as you go, write down some things that strike you as interesting, things that you can apply to your life.

Please leave a comment below; I would love to see what you have discovered.

Read Acts 16

Here are some questions that may help you see some of the deeper meanings in this chapter:
What reasons could the Spirit have had to keep them from entering Mysia?
What truly caused the earth to shake, and the jailor to be saved?
Why was it a big deal that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens?
Why did Luke make such a huge point of including the woman that were saved?
Why did he (Luke) use first person for part of this chapter?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 15

Read Acts 15

God's grace is so great that He has given us the opportunity to be His children(His followers). We see this overwhelming love in this chapter.
We also see the devil. It is important to know that when people plot against us(if we are doing the righteous work of God), it is not them, it is the devil inside of them. Here again we also see how much knowledge of scripture helps us to fight the devil in others.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 14

Read Acts 14

Here we see Paul and Barnabas completing their journey that the Holy Spirit sent them on in chapter 13. Many are healed, the lame walk, and more are saved. While in Lystra, Paul and Barnabas were put to a test of their faith when the citizens believed the apostles were gods. But Paul and Barnabas held strong in what they knew was true.

In everything you do, give all the glory to God; remember that without Him, you would have nothing.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 13

God will send you out, as He did with Paul and Barnabas. Be bold in what God has taught you and in your faith, for He will always hold true.

We see thru-out this chapter the significance of scriptural knowledge. Barnabas was an excellent student of scripture before he went out to serve The LORD. Therefore He is able to preach with the knowledge of past profits and all they said.

Without the knowledge of scripture we are a lost cause in this world. We would only be able to teach from a standpoint of what God has done in our lives. Which is an important part of teaching, but it is important to know the word of God. Even though it goes much deeper than that.

Isaiah 29:13-14:
The Lord says:
“These people come near to me with their mouth
 and honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me. 
Their worship of me
is based on merely human rules they have been taught.
Therefore once more I will astound these people
with wonder upon wonder;
the wisdom of the wise will perish,
the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Understand Who You Are - Advice for Everyone (but mostly kids)

Dear Child, understand who you are in Christ. Nurture yourself while you are young. Learn what God's word says, so you may be evangelistically bold in the Spirit. But learn more than just His word, learn to worship Him in all you do. Learn to seek His presence, and walk in it. Learn to hear His voice, that you may know Him when He calls. For without His guidance your own feet will surely lead you astray.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Music - You Are More

This video is awesome, a great illustration of how powerful God's love is, how much bigger He is than everything, and how He washes away our sins!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 12

God delivered Peter from his shackles, how much more can He free you of your troubles? (And yes, I am talking to you, the one who just told yourself that that last rhetorical question has nothing to do with you... It has everything to do with you!)
We need to realize that everything, every talent and ability, every penny, every piece of knowledge that we hold claim to, has come from God. Without God, we would still be in the ground, and would be accomplishing nothing. We would be nothing but dirt. Therefore, everything you do,  do it in worship of Him who created you, and know that nothing can hold Him back.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Olympic Dream

Two years ago, during the 2012 London Summer Olympics, God told me that I would be there one day. Many a tear was shed as I watched records be broken, and metals being placed around the neck of U.S. athletes. I mostly watched swimming and gymnastics, neither of which are my sport. I really didn't ever watch any of my events, but that doesn't matter. 

At this point in my recovery from my concussion I feel as if I will never get back to my normal self. That I will never really be able to compete again at a high level. On Friday night I was reminded of God's promise as my family and I watched the opening ceremony of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. It was a very emotional evening for me, and there were some tears. But I now have hope, a bigger reason to believe that I will again be who I once was.

I know that God has huge things for me in the future, and that gives me something to look forward to as I am training both physically and spiritually.

Jeremiah 29:11
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It is so good to know that this not only applies to my sports life, but also to my life in general. Every season of my life, God will bring me through, and I will be stronger each time.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Love Your Brothers and Sisters - Advice for Everyone (but mostly kids)

As you are growing up you will make friends, many will betray you, many will leave you, and few will stick with you. It is important to have good friends who you know will never leave you. They may be hard to find, but you will find them, and they will stick with you through all you do. These friends you will call your brothers and sisters. As they are very important to you, love them will all your heart. The bible says that if you say you love God, but hate your brother, you are a liar. Don't be a liar, love your brothers and sisters. This applies to your actual brothers and sisters too, because you will have so few true friends, your siblings are your stronghold later in life. But if you spend your childhood hating them, you will not be able to confide in them when you are older.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 11

We can be so single minded that we demand explanation for why someone went to eat with the non Christian people. But in reality, we need to do more of that. Don't get me wrong, it is good to spend good quality time with other Christians. But we are called to share the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ, not sit in our own secluded circle. Jesus spent His time here loving on the sinners, why should we do any different!?

Do Something - I challenge you, next time you see someone sitting by themselves, go over and talk to them, pray for them. If they reject you, go away knowing that you tried! All it takes is a little bit of faith!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 10

As we go through our lives we see people who we, automatically without thought, deem incapable of receiving God the Father. But in Acts 10 God tells Peter not to judge people so. God created everything, therefore everything is clean, it is only the Devil that makes it unclean. 

 Romans 8:31 says "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?"

We have no reason to fear the Devil in others. So why don't we take a stand for what we believe, and trust that God will catch us when we fall?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Please Bear With Me

Since my crazy, lop-sided life is obviously getting the better of my schedule; my goal now is simply 2 chapters a week by Thursday. I am also doing my best to post a worship and/or music post as well as Advice for Everyone (which ends in a few weeks) each week. I know that routine is best, but my life is so out of whack right now that I am struggling to find one.
Please bear with me and my crazy schedule, as I work to get you what you come to this page to find.

Thank you for your time and understanding,
 have a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Kid President - Advice for Everyone (but mostly kids)

It is so easy for us to get caught up in life, trying to teach people complex things that are only necessary in certain situations, that we forget the simple things. Let kid President remind you!