Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 17

Read Acts 17

Often we see that the Jews were jealous, and sought to destroy the disciples. As we preach God's word, we need to make everyone aware that God's love is for them too, so long as they accept it. I have heard it said many times that when someone offers you a gift, you must accept it in order for it to become yours. The gift of the Spirit is no different; God has offered it to everyone, but only few choose to accept His perfect and honorable gift.
As Paul saw the destruction and idolatry of the Athenian people, so I see the destruction and idolatry of the people in the world today. Instead of statues and shrines made of precious metals, I see posters and screen savers, and shirts, and pencils, and backpacks, and thousands of other things with the pictures and names of the celebrities who have become the focus of this world. Even in the Christian home! It sickens me how much we have let this world shape our lives! When something goes wrong in your life, and you go to your favorite actor/actress, singer, athlete, or performer, they will do NOTHING for you! But when something goes wrong and you go to God, He will free you of your troubles, and let you rest in His peace! When will we realize the corruption that this world has given us? When will we start doing something about it!? When will we start giving God His rightful praise? Why not now? Why not start with you?

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