Monday, February 24, 2014

Bible Study - Acts 16

It is one thing to just listen to what others have to say, and going off of that. But it is another to take what they say and apply it to what God has been teaching you. Today I want you to learn how to hear from God, and to know what He is telling you, not what I am telling you. Take some time to pray before you read this, and as you go, write down some things that strike you as interesting, things that you can apply to your life.

Please leave a comment below; I would love to see what you have discovered.

Read Acts 16

Here are some questions that may help you see some of the deeper meanings in this chapter:
What reasons could the Spirit have had to keep them from entering Mysia?
What truly caused the earth to shake, and the jailor to be saved?
Why was it a big deal that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens?
Why did Luke make such a huge point of including the woman that were saved?
Why did he (Luke) use first person for part of this chapter?

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